
Showing posts from October, 2018

Final Thoughts: Finland

My 3 month journey in Finland has finally come to a close. While I would have loved to stay longer, and continue to work at my school with 18 wonderful preschool children, I'm happy to be home. David still has a few weeks left in the season, so I write this from London. Many asked how it felt to be moving, and not just moving from home, but to a foreign country. I always went into this being excited, and knowing that this was only going to be a positive experience for us (Dave included). I can't even begin to explain how this was the greatest decision I have ever made. David and I would talk about this extensively, just reflect on the time in Finland - the easy, and the difficult; the good, and the bad. There is so much more good about this trip than there was difficult. I would say the most difficult part was living in a completely different time zone than my friends and family. The second most difficult was the language, Finnish is the most difficult  language in the worl...

Tallinn, Estonia

Our last trip of the journey was to Tallinn, Estonia. Where everything is cheap, and the Old Town is like brand new. While we were in Gamla Stan, in Stockholm, I was amazed by the beautiful cobblestone streets and painted buildings. But Tallinn was something else. Besides being the most well-preserved Old Town in the world, it is a cultural hub for cafes, art, and medieval everything. It’s important to note that we almost didn’t go on this trip to Estonia because Diva Dave did not bring his passport, and thought his visa residence permit was sufficient. Needless to say we were let on the boat, with much hesitation, and I held a grudge about this the entire trip. We took a ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn which took about 2 hours. It was recommended to us that we spend our one full day in the Old Town. There was plenty to see, and take pictures of. David did most of the food planning, because I had been very busy during my last week of work. And no matter where we stepped foot in...