Final Thoughts: Finland
My 3 month journey in Finland has finally come to a close. While I would have loved to stay longer, and continue to work at my school with 18 wonderful preschool children, I'm happy to be home. David still has a few weeks left in the season, so I write this from London. Many asked how it felt to be moving, and not just moving from home, but to a foreign country. I always went into this being excited, and knowing that this was only going to be a positive experience for us (Dave included). I can't even begin to explain how this was the greatest decision I have ever made. David and I would talk about this extensively, just reflect on the time in Finland - the easy, and the difficult; the good, and the bad. There is so much more good about this trip than there was difficult. I would say the most difficult part was living in a completely different time zone than my friends and family. The second most difficult was the language, Finnish is the most difficult language in the worl...