Israel: What You Need to Know

Before coming to Israel, many people told me to “be careful”. “Take care” and “be safe” were the phrases that finished the conversation I’d have about traveling here. Everyone who said this, and I mean every single one of those people have NEVER been to Israel. And if they had, they wouldn’t have said it. In fact, all of my friends and David’s parents who have been, have only ever said that I would love it. And they were right. Now, that’s not to say that my kind hearted family members weren’t saying this out of anything but love for me. But truly, we are ignorant to the safety and security of this beautiful country. If anyone is prepared for danger, it is the Israelis. And while of course there is crime, and places that should be avoided, I never once felt the need to be any more cautious and aware than I am when I’m in New York City or Chicago. You have every reason to feel safe in this country, because you are. Especially if you are using your common sense...